Innovation for Creation Blog

Portfolio Review Session

Meeting a wide range of talented designers based in Vancouver Island was an excellent opportunity to gain feedback from industry professionals. Our lovely review session evening in downtown’s Input Co work location presented great socializing and networking advantages. Our class witnessed hands on advice and real life after grad stories from designers who’ve experienced exactly what we will be in the next month!

I had the privilege of enjoying a one on one review session with Alain Champagne, creator of design firm Creatures of the Night. He provided me with useful insight on the direction I hope to market myself as an illustrative designer. His work in package design, specifically craft beer and coffee branding intrigues me, as his style uses an expressively modern yet classical/ancient vibe. Deciding on the type of illustration and design I want to focus my career in has been quite a struggle, as I find myself dipping my toes in a vast range of seas, from comic work to simplistic infographic imagery. Understanding that I have the control in the specific directions I hope to drive my work is challenging. Its only a matter of further experimentation in learning about my style that can help me succeed in the field.

Farzanah Allinoor